How do I import ecommerce categories?

  1. Navigate to Settings > Ecommerce
  2. On the Settings tab in the Settings section select an ecommerce store from the ‘Selected’ drop down.
    • NOTE: Store must be selected or no categories will be pulled
  3. Scroll down and find the ‘Pull Ecommerce Categories’ underneath the ‘Settings JSON’ input
  4. After clicking the button wait a couple minutes then refresh the page.

My product not being pushed to or updated on the website?

Products with no inventory (as shown on the Product’s popup Detail tab > Inventory section) will not be shown on the website. If On Hand is 0 or not showing anything try the following

  1. Right-Click on the close button and click ‘Refresh Aggregates’ after that has ran and On Hand shows value then resave the product to push to the site
  2. Check to make sure Inventory is being shown in the inventory tab if it is retry number 1
  3. If inventory is not showing above then navigate to the event and resave, or go to Inventory > Events, and rerun the inventory on the event in question.